... is an incorporated society, affiliated to Squash New Zealand Inc, and has a constitution under which it is required to foster, control and regulate the game of Squash in its area, including the observance of directions from Squash NZ. This area includes Taranaki, Wanganui, Manawatu, Ruapheu, Horowhenua and Tararua regions.
2015 Central Masters Team
Central Districts Womans Team

Central Squash is run by a Board elected at the Annual Meeting held in February each year from club nominations. Board Directors are however, not elected to represent individual clubs, but are elected to run the association for the benefit of all member clubs.



SC Structure
Additionally, the "geographic realities" of the district demand that some activities be conducted on a sub-district (Zone) basis. Principally, this applies to interclub competition, the formation of some junior development squads, and the presentation of programmes for training coaches, referees and statisticians.